About ProxyFish
The ProxyFish Difference
ProxyFish has fast and highly anonymous datacenter, ISP, and residential proxies from all around the world. See why our customers choose us over and over again
Fast Proxies
The fastest dedicated and residential proxies
Residential Proxies
Look 100% human with real residential proxies
Datacenter Proxies
SOCKS and HTTPS proxies located around the world
Mobile Proxies
Mobile proxies that come from real 4G internet connections
ISP Proxies
Residential looking datacenter proxies for sneakers and botting
Happy Customers
Over 7,000+ happy proxy customers choose us
We Go The Extra Mile
Our ProxyFish Features
Multipe IP Subnets & Locations
We source multiple IP subnets (IP ranges) from different ISP providers around the world to ensure maximum anonymity.
Datacenter, Residential, and ISP Proxies
We offer multiple proxy products including datacenter, residential, ISP, and mobile proxies depending on your use case.
Chrome & Firefox Extension
Download our free Chrome and Firefox proxy extension addon for all private and dedicated proxy orders.
No Usage Logs
We do not log any data usage on any of our proxy services that ProxyFish sells.
Proxy Usage
How ProxyFish
helps customers
Our web proxies help you stay highly anonymous across any web browser, computer or laptop, mobile phone and tablet, and any device in between.
Our customers use our proxies for Sneaker Sites, Enterprise Web Apps, RuneScape, Scraping, Craigslist, Survey Websites, Netflix, and Bot Automation Software.
Instant Delivery
Keep your smile on with instantly delivered proxies
Fast Proxies
All of our proxies offer low latency and high speeds
Dedicated Client Area
Manage your proxies via our client portal immediately after your order
Bulk & Custom Orders
Need a lot of proxies for a custom use case? We'll help you out
Proxy Customers Big And Small
ProxyFish Works
for individuals and businesses
- Residential and Datacenter IPs
- 100% Completely anonymous
- IP Authentication
- Username & Password Authentication
- Multiple IP Ranges
- Multiple Locations
- Private Custom Orders
- White Label Reseller API
- White Label WHMCS Module
- Residential and Datacenter IPs
- 100% Completely anonymous
- IP Authentication
- Username & Password Authentication
- Multiple IP Ranges
- Multiple Locations
- Private Custom Orders
- White Label Reseller API
- White Label WHMCS Module
Pricing Plans for our proxies
$2.50 per proxy
Get Started
$3 per proxy
Coming Soon
$5 per GB
Get Started
ISP Datacenter
IP Type | Datacenter IPs | Residential Datacenter IPs | Real Residential IPs |
Proxy Speed | Fastest | Fastest | Fast |
Proxy Type | Dedicated | Dedicated | Shared |
High Anonymity | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Locations | 15 | 2 | 195+ |
Extra Features
Proxy Browser Extension | |||
Customer Support |
- Public ProxyProxy Type
- Very SlowProxy Speed
- NoHigh Anonymity
- NoReliability
- Proxy Browser Extensions
- Customer Support
- Private ProxyProxy Type
- FastestProxy Speed
- YesHigh Anonymity
- YesReliability
- Proxy Browser Extensions
- Customer Support
- Shared Private ProxyProxy Type
- FastProxy Speed
- YesHigh Anonymity
- YesReliability
- Proxy Browser Extensions
- Customer Support