Proxy Usage
Prohibited Activity
In order to maintain a high quality proxy network and avoid our proxies from being blacklisted we do prohibit specific kinds of usage of our proxies.
ZERO fraud tolerance policy
We have an absolute zero tolerance policy for fraudulent activity. All access to proxies and your account will be suspended without refund.
ZERO hacking tolerance policy
We have an absolute zero tolerance policy for hacking activity. All access to proxies and your account will be suspended without refund.
ZERO spam or email tolerance policy
We have an absolute zero tolerance policy for any email activity. All access to proxies and your account will be suspended without refund.
No scraping (without approval)
We may allow scraping but it is on a case by case basis with written approval. Please contact us for approval first.
No abusive activity
Please no other abusive activity not covered by this page. We reserve the right to suspend your account without refund for such.
No illegal activity
Please no other illegal activity not covered by this page. We reserve the right to suspend your account without refund for such.